The Why of Our Why – Our Core Values Explained

Why At-Risk Children

Written By: Mark S.

Core values are the root beliefs from which a person or organization operates. Stemming from our desires, they determine our life direction and the impact we will have even beyond our time on earth. Values, then, determine our legacy.

Values direct our personal lives and the choices we make. The choice of a meal with friends or grabbing a quick lunch is often determined by what is of the highest value at that time – completing schedule commitments or investing in relationships. While both are important, those priorities may change in each situation but the underlying values do not.

One of the most popular TED Talks is Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why.” He eloquently explains that rather than start with what you do, then how you do it, he says great organizations and leaders start with their ‘Why.’ The Wright brothers who were under-capitalized, under-educated, and under-sophisticated were driven by a cause and so became the first ones to fly. They understood their ‘Why.’

To determine our purpose and the ‘Why’ that leads to our legacy, we must understand our values. This is the “why of our why.” At SOS, we desire to leave a legacy for at-risk children and bring hope that they could leave a legacy themselves. Our ‘why’ comes from our values, which encompass and inform everything we do.

We see at-risk children and the problems they face. While many are beginning to see the problems of sex trafficking, malnutrition, dirty water, or hopeless situations, we see people. Every at-risk child has a name. We see them.

We engage with communities and local partners to provide grassroots solutions. It is not enough to see, we must engage – show up, actively listen, and introduce hope.

We strengthen communities to create a sense of belonging and safety for at-risk children. Every child matters and everyone has a part. Knowing that strong communities bring greater safety, we build relationships and trust through our partners and for at-risk children.

We build sustainable solutions and partner with Local Care Networks to execute long-lasting change. We come alongside and set others up for success. Our partners are the heroes and we serve them as they serve. Sometimes challenging the status quo, we are responsible risk-takers, who embrace and drive change.

In many organizations, values become inconsequential. They are relinquished to a wall plaque, visible to
visitors but invisible to the staff who pass them each day, disconnected to their work.

Values are irrelevant without impact. To know what is important to a person or organization, study the use of their time, talent, and treasure.

At SOS, we are hopeful you see where we invest in ours. For the thoughtful and conscientious, leaving a legacy is a high priority – perhaps the highest. Our legacy comes from our values. Not those published and forgotten, but rather the deep beliefs we have of what is important in life. At SOS, it is at-risk children. They are our legacy and yours.

To Learn More About “Our Why” – Check Out These Resources!

Vala’s Story

Our Values

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