Meet Our Brand Ambassadors
Taking a Stand to Secure At-Risk Children

Join Daniel and Shari Calveti to Make a Difference
My name is Daniel Calveti, and I’m taking a stand to help bring water, food and freedom to at-risk children around the world.
Thank you for helping me address the urgent needs of at-risk children in both Latin America and around the world.
I hope you will give now and join me to make a difference.
All donations go directly to SOS International, a U.S. nonprofit organization meeting the needs of at-risk children for over 25 years.
The Red Light Rescue Panel
The Red Light Panel exists to eradicate human trafficking in our generation, restore hope and healing to its victims, and engage in the fight until all are free.
The Panel is made up of a hand-selected core of people who:
- Fundraise monthly support to fund rescue, restoration and prevention projects.
- Raise awareness and prevention by speaking up for those who don’t have a voice both globally and locally. Panel members tell the story in every way they can, to as many people as they can, in any place they can. They seek to bring awareness in their own communities through education and local partnerships focusing on at-risk children.
- Mobilize prayer to effect change, sending monthly updates with practical and timely prayer requests.
Join in prayer with the Red Light Panel and help stop child trafficking.

To sign up for monthly prayer updates, email