Stories & Updates

Written by: Christie A. Recently we gathered to celebrate the holidays as a team, one of the questions that came

We don’t often think that the lack of clean water could expose children to traffickers, but there is a direct line between the lack of water and trafficking. Communities that do not have access to water struggle with illness and are underdeveloped. Traffickers prey on these communities because they are desperate, can be easily tricked and do not have the resources needed to go looking for missing children.

The lack of access to safe, clean drinking water isn’t only consuming Sara’s today, but it is threatening her future. She is unable to attend school and her little body is constantly fighting off illness. Her body isn’t able to develop and grow at a healthy weight.

Written by: Janie W. The holiday season is upon us! As you look for ways to celebrate, here are a

Written by: Christie A. Think back to the spring of last year as you went in search of toilet paper,

Written by: Christie A. Working through last year’s file of completed water wells, our team was reviewing projects, looking at

Written By: Christie A. As we gathered together to strategize about feeding models in July, the good news came in

Written By: Hannah W. Today is Saiya*’s first day of college. It has taken her a few years of private

A lot of the subjects we tackle at SOS are heavy and hard to explain to children. As a multi-generational organization, we’ve seen the amazing thing that happens as generations engage together to build community and love others. We value the work of investing in our children to build their hearts and worldview. We want to raise children who love big and want to change the world.

Written by: Dwayne W. Covid disrupted so much on a local and global level. Suddenly, almost overnight, travel was completely