Written By: Christie A.
As we gathered together to strategize about feeding models in July, the good news came in – we hit a huge milestone, 12,000,000 meals served since the start of the pandemic! The excitement around the room was palpable. Over the past 18 months, there were hard-fought victories, challenges around capacity, scope and funding. Surrounded by the need for food, being contacted by Local Care Networks all around the world, all with the same request, “we need food!” The calls for food kept coming in and you kept responding! You donated food boxes, helped us buy a food truck, helped us get a bigger warehouse to distribute more food…over and over and over again. You said “yes,” to so many hungry families, empowered so many Local Care Networks to help tens of thousands of at-risk children around the world. Thank you! This celebration is yours and our hope is that your hearts are encouraged by the impact we make together as we lean in during hard seasons, as we give what we have, and as we work together to help children!
What does 12,000,000 meals look like? You fed the number of meals equivalent to filling Cowboy Stadium 170 times! We’ve used seven different feeding models in various nations and settings, but if we were to do straight math on 12,000,000 meals fed over 18 months (550 days) it would be the equivalent of feeding 21,818 meals every day!
Food is a vital tool used in securing at-risk children. Over the last 18 months, we’ve seen the power of food in so many ways. Through the simple act of providing meals, you’ve also empowered trafficking prevention to vulnerable populations. You have extended hope and help to migrant communities of day laborers trying to get home. You’ve provided meals in times of crisis for families who lost jobs because of the pandemic. You fed hungry children who couldn’t leave home due to quarantines and executive orders. Through food, you have provided hope and human connection during a time of uncertainty and fear.
2020 ended in just over 6,000,000 meals being served; in 2021 we are on track to double that number. The opportunities to feed hungry children and partner with Local Care Networks to reach communities continues to grow. Together we will continue to say “yes” as often as we can to feed as many people as we can. In this magazine, you will also find write-ups on some of the most amazing Local Care Network leaders that we have had the opportunity to partner with on this endeavor. The caliber of leaders we have the honor of serving is truly amazing and they are using these meals to strategically build communities and help so many!
On behalf of every hungry child and family that was the recipient of each of the 12,000,000 meals, we hope you hear a resounding “thank you!” Our burdens are lighter when we carry them together, and we are so thankful to have you shoulder-to-shoulder with us as we continue to feed hungry families.
To read more about the impact of food check out these resources!